Healthcare and the 2020 Presidential Election blog series

U.S. Healthcare reform remains a central issue in any policy debate, especially during an election year, such that many candidates in the 2020 Presidential Election have indicated healthcare as one of their “signature issues.” To better understand where each candidate stands on issues, Public Health Law Watch is launching a new blog series aimed at identifying and exploring some of the public health issues and policies under consideration by candidates.

In the first part of the series, we will unpack issues like harm reduction, gun control, and more, and highlight where each candidate stands in support or opposition to law, policies, and/or programs that fall within those topic areas.

The second part of the series will dive deeper into each candidates’ proposed policies and offer critical analysis and commentary about the potential strengths and areas for improvement within those policies.

The goal of this series is to provide a deeper look at the ways in which candidates may or may not be including a public health framework in their overall healthcare reform policies, and encourage candidates to thoughtfully and purposefully develop nuanced, evidence-based, impactful policies. We also hope to inform voters as they continue to evaluate each candidate’s efforts to articulate plans to addressing healthcare and public health challenges in the U.S. Our goal is not endorse a particular candidate or political party; rather, our goal, as always, is to research, analyze, inform, and equip people with the knowledge they need to be engaged and thoughtful members of their communities and this nation.

This blog series will also link to related activities we have planned around social media, community engagement, and candidate outreach.

Please check back next week for the first post in this series:
2020 Presidential Candidates: Policies for Addressing the Opioid Overdose Crisis.